The Beginning of the Tory Family Reunion
In the late 1980’s, (Julia) Frances Boddie (daughter of Titus Tory and granddaughter of Elick Tory), had a vision to start a family reunion. It was her desire to sow a seed of love and spread it throughout the Tory family. She talked with family members such as Roger (Cathy) Smith (son of Julia Grace and grandson of Josephus Tory), Nellie Kinnard (daughter of Bessie Hardin and granddaughter of Josephus Tory), Nellie's brother Sam (Renee) Hardin, and their sister-in-law, Irene (Eddie) Hardin, and the late Curtis (Ida) Whaley (son of Julia Tory and grandson of Aleck Tory. A picnic was planned in Dayton, Oh and oh my, did we have a good time!
Through the goodness of God, the first annual Tory Family Reunion was held in Ohio in 1991. For the first time in years… Willie Jewel Crawford, Bessie Hardin, Curtis Whaley, and Gertrude Tory (along with their children and families were reunited in Ohio. We knew that our ancestors were at peace, because we, the Tory’s, were together once again. In 1992, North Carolina stepped up to the plate and hosted the 2nd reunion. Since then, we have been going strong- year after year, in various states- receiving the royal treatment by the hosting state.
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